Whilst looking back on my summer holiday last year, its easy to see from the photos, how flowers have once again been the inspiration to create stitch pieces. These two textile pieces are done using the 'Drawn Thread' technique.

This is done by using a "counted" thread fabric, and literally pulling out some threads to create gaps. The remaining threads can be then machine or hand stitched, to create a "bar - like" effect, as seen. This is a hard thing to describe and explain...but if you would like to find out more, I suggest research online etc. I love it as a technique, as once you have "pulled" out the threads you want, you can then turn the piece into anything you like. I have seen many variations....but I chose Spring flowers. Thus the "bar - like" pieces became stems, and the bottom grass. In one piece, the top of the bars became Blue Bell type flowers, and the other Tulip style!
Really this technique can be the basis, for whatever design you like; its up to personal taste.
I decided to go one step further, by first space-dying my chosen fabrics. It give it that personal element.
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